Santa Sighting in Waikiki!

What does Santa do to prepare for his big night?  He goes to Waikiki to relax, of course.  My friend Dave Zuls of Hawaii Online Advertising ran into Santa yesterday at Waikiki Beach.  He reported that Santa was very popular with the bikini clad crowd. Dave says, “No wonder Santa’s so jolly.” 🙂 Dave was able to capture this photo of Santa with a Mai Tai in one hand and doing the shaka with the other.  Many thanks, Dave, for sharing the photo with us!

  1. Hi Sheila,

    I hope you and Andy have a great Christmas! I hope Santa didn’t drink too many Mai Tai’s today, we are hoping to get some presents from him tonight. We’ve had enough celebrities in Hawaii that have been arrested for DUI this year.



  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Christmas Eve, Dave and Chris. Wishing you and your loved ones a very blessed Christmas and happy 2008!

  3. Two of the most fun Christmas photos Dave and I have are the pictures we had taken on our honeymoon (24 years ago) sitting on Hawaiian Santa’s lap.

    Hope your Christmas was wonderful and wishing you a prosperous New Year in 2008.

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