Snuba is a cross between snorkeling and scuba diving and gaining popularity in Hawaii. Snuba allows you to be and breath underwater without having to be certified for scuba diving. With snuba you breathe through mouthpiece that is connected to a hose that is attached to a scuba air tank. The air tank sits on a raft that floats on the water above you. The airline is 20 feet long, so you will be no further than 20 feet away from the raft.
Snuba tour operators say that you don’t even have to know how to swim to enjoy snuba. In fact they say it is for just about anyone over the age of eight. The Star Bulletin has written an article showcasing snuba. Kevin Cram, the owner of Snuba Tours of Kauai told the Star Bulletin that he “has welcomed grandparents in their 80s, children with life-threatening medical conditions and people with disabilities.” The article talks about a 25 year old paraplegic who enjoyed a snuba tour.
So, if you are interested in trying snuba on your vacation to Hawaii, here are the Snuba tour operators that I’ve been able to find:
Big Island
Diversity Boat Dive (via Aloha Top Ten)