The Cathedrals of the Na Pali Coast


This photo is of the “cathedrals” area of the Na Pali Coast.  We took this photo during a helicopter tour of Kauai.  In my opinion, Kauai is the best Hawaiian island for touring by helicopter.  To get a bit of an idea what it is like to see Kauai by helicopter, see this brief video of the cathedrals.  (Video credit to bhawaiianhelicopters)

If you are considering a helicopter tour in Hawaii, check out our tips on choosing a helicopter tour.

  1. Hi Sheila,
    Lucky you! Not everyone gets to experience the Na Pali coast from a kayak and a helicopter! I feel like I have come full circle on your blog, my first comment was on your excellent post on kayaking the Na Pali coast!

  2. Hi HawaiiVacationGifts – I so appreciate that you read this blog and comment regularly! I do remember your comment on kayaking the Na Pali.

    I consider myself very blessed that I have seen the Na Pali coast from a helicopter. I’ve also experienced it through hiking part of the Kalalua trail. Unfortunately, I’ve not yet seen the coast by kayak. The post that you referenced was partly research and partly day dreaming. I’m hoping that I’ll get to kayak it next season.

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