Writing Project Selections

I recently participated in two writing projects, one at Daily Blog Tips and the other at Blue Jar.  The themes of the writing projects were to provide tips and how to’s. (In case you missed my entries, there were Long-Haul Flights: 5 tips for Comfort and How to Sleep on a Plane.)  I’d encourage you to take a peek at both projects as they both offer extensive lists of useful information.  After reviewing many excellent articles, I have narrowed the list to my favorites and here they are:

 Daily Blog Tips’ Tips and Tricks

There were 122 submissions in total.  Here are my top picks:

Blue Jar’s How To’s

It was difficult narrowing down to my top 3 picks, but here goes:

  1. How To Deal With Angry Customers by John
  2. Contains Zero Trans Fat – Truth or Creative Advertising? by JoLynn Braley
  3. Top 5 ways to romance your blog by Phil Van Treuren

There were 44 entries in total.  (Way to go, Sarah!  Excellent result for your first writing project.) So, there are other entries I’d like to point out that were informative and well written:

  1. Lillie – Thanks for dropping in and commenting. I agree that it was difficult to narrow down the list. Your entry is definitely useful and very well written!

  2. Thanks for including my post. I wish I’d known about your site when I was in Honolulu last year. Good site, by the way.

  3. @ Em Dy – you are welcome. Don’t forget there are 5 other islands to visit in Hawaii…each of them are different. 🙂

    @ John – No problem!

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