After several months of fares as low as $1 for inter-island flights, the future of Hawaii’s low cost airline, go!, looks to be a bit shaky. Yesterday, a judge ordered Mesa Air Group, the parent company for go! Airlines, to pay Hawaiian Air $80 million for misusing confidential information in a bankruptcy case. Mesa representatives plan to appeal the judgement and they insist they are not going away, per a KITV report.
If you are on the fence about when to buy inter-island flights, now might be the best time to make your purchase. If only we had a crystal ball, we’d know for sure what will happen with go! Airlines and flight fares. Logic would suggest that an $80 million hit plus legal fees wouldn’t exactly result in lowering fares, but go! has defied logic in some of their unbelievably low fares. Stay tuned, this could get interesting.