Happy Aloha Friday – Rainbow Edition


Happy Aloha Friday!  Aren’t rainbows awesome?  We took this photo of a rainbow while we were on a helicopter tour of Kauai.  We may have seen at least a half a dozen rainbows in the space of an hour.   When and where was the last rainbow that you’ve seen?

  1. Wow, what a photo!
    I don’t know when the last time I saw a rainbow was. We’re surrounded by so many tall trees that I never see them anymore.

  2. We saw a great rainbow right outside my bedroom window. I have a great view of the Sandia Mountains, and there was a double rainbow stretching all the way across the vista. My son asked if he could fly up to it and slide down.

  3. I saw one on Wednesday when we were driving home from Girlie Girl’s swimming class. I saw it through the rear view mirror. So pretty!

  4. Gorgeous photo. The last rainbow I saw was out my front door. It actually rained yesterday! It was so pretty, the sun was out, the dark clouds were parting, and you could see the rainbow right out of the clouds.

  5. That is beautiful! I can’t wait to visit Hawaii someday. I think the last rainbow I saw was when there was a small rainstorm. There was a double rainbow visible in front of the newly snow dusted mountains near my apartment.

  6. The last rainbow I saw was driving down the road here in NorthTexas, we had a lot of rainbows this year due to the unseasonable monsoon type rains we had. God made sure he showed his promise just about everyday.:)

  7. I saw the most beautiful and large rainbow stretching over the tops of the ohia forest trees from our upstairs window last week. Lately it’s been raining a lot here on the Big Island, so I expect to see many more:)

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