Exclusive Video of Kilauea Lava Flowing to the Ocean

DSC_0940As the husband–and “official photographer/videographer”–of Go Visit Hawaii’s fabulous editor, Sheila, I get the enviable task of following her around Hawaii. Hey, it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it. 😉

We were lucky enough to find ourselves on the Big Island of Hawaii just as the recent Kilauea lava flow reached the ocean. Even luckier, we grabbed a prime viewing spot–just a few hundreds yards away–and snapped lots of photos and videos.

In case you’re not able to witness Pele in all her glory yourself, we’ve put together the following exclusive video for you.

  1. WOW Sheila and Andy!! Mahalo for sharing your wonderful video and photos with everyone. I am really sorry for myself that I have been sick with the flu because I so wanted to see it with you. Thought about you driving past my street on the way to see the lava flow.

  2. @Ben – yeah, we were fortunate that Pele was putting on a display for us. Glad you liked the video.


    We just got back from our third – THIRD – trip to the Big Island and wouldn’t you know it? The NIGHT BEFORE we showed up to view this magnificent lava flow, an acre chunk of land falls into the ocean and now you can not see it directly. I’m working on posting some shots we took but all you can see is smoke and indirect glow from behind a cliff at this point. Pele must have something against me.

    Happily, I love the Big Island the most now and would someday like to move there permanently. We may start with a month at a time and see how that goes. I miss it already!

  4. Hi Brian – Oooooooooooh noooooooooooo! Gosh! I can’t believe you were so close to seeing it. Darn it! That sounds more like the luck we usually have.

    Did you have good time despite Pele shutting down her ocean party? I’d love to hear more about it when you get settled back from vacation.

  5. Yes, absolutely! How can you possibly have a bad time there??? 🙂

    I will definitely post more about it. Working on uploading photos and videos now.

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