Hawaii Entertainment Coupon Books – Worth the price?

The following article has been updated many times since it was originally published. When it was written, the Entertainment coupons were accessed in the form of a thick coupon book. Over time, the company has transitioned from those coupon books to being digital only. Coupons are now accessed via the Entertainment.com app for smartphones and tablets.

Entertainment.com coupons can also be accessed online via the Entertainment.com website, where they can be printed. Please note that if you do print them, the printed coupons are only valid for two weeks from the time of printing, whereas the digital coupons are valid throughout the year.

For the 2023 update on which Entertainment.com coupons are best for folks vacationing in Hawaii, see our article: The Best Entertainment Coupons for a 2023 Hawaii Vacation.

The Hawaii Entertainment Book is a thick book of coupons full of discounts for restaurants, luaus, dining, shopping and more. We’ve even seen coupons for a helicopter tour. These books contain hundreds of coupons that can help both visitors and local residents save money.

Most coupons are valid through December 30 of the current year. A few of the retail/national coupons that visitors wouldn’t likely be using for a Hawaii vacation expire even sooner.

Save up to 70% OFF with FLIGHTS By Entertainment!

Some coupons will appeal more to visitors, while others are more likely to be used by local residents. The coupon that I think will particularly interest visitors is the luau coupon for Paradise Cove. We have personally used the Paradise Cove luau coupon. (See our Paradise Cove Luau review.)  The Entertainment coupon book or app could very quickly pay for itself on a luau coupon alone.

The vast majority of the coupons from the Hawaii Entertainment book are for Oahu. We only recommend purchasing if you are visiting Oahu. There are a few decent coupons for the other Hawaiian islands, but not enough to justify purchasing the book, in our opinion.

We have personally used this coupon book in the past and it did more than pay for itself. We used it for a luau, shave ice and admissions the Pacific Aviation Museum in Pearl Harbor and more.

Have you used the Hawaii Entertainment Books on your vacation? Did you think it was worth the price? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

  1. We did look at getting them especially since you can get a discount only a few months into the year. But for us unless you were going to Oahu, it didn’t seem like you got a whole lot on the other islands. There were some but definitely (for us) never something to pay full price for. I say if you can get the discount and are going to Oahu, it’s worth the money. If you’re going to neighbor islands, I *think* you can preview the savings available for each state so I’d look to see if there were enough places to make it worth my while. Great post!

  2. Since our trip was in late Sept., I bought the book around August @ under $15. I mainly got it for the PCC coupon. Actually, if you only use that coupon, you recoup the purchase price right there. We only used the PCC plus the L&L coupons, and we used the card at Kobe which was blah! We then left the book with the owner of the place that we stayed at in Oahu. I have heard that you can use the card at your local restaurants that are part of the Entertainment book in your city. Don’t know if that is true or not.

  3. I’m a local. I buy one every year. The restaurant coupons pay for the book right away. I always recommend it to friends & family who are planning on visiting. My sister is visiting soon. She just bought one so now we all have the same coupons, now. It should make spending time with her & her husband a lot more affordable. It’s big winner.

  4. I appreciate everyone’s input!

    Angie – I believe you re right about being able to preview the savings. I think all you need to do is enter the zip code of your destination.
    Lissete – I’m glad to hear you felt like you saved with the book.
    Dave – When do you buy your book and do you pay full price for it?

  5. My wife ordered the book for us so shortly after the 2008 version became available. (Most of the good restaurant coupons are already gone) I can’t remember what we paid but it was full price or the going rate, whatever that was at the time… We are going to buy another one before my sister gets to town so we all have the same coupons. I don’t mind getting a second book (or even a third) because I practically live off of fast food and the book has a LOT of that sort of coupon. Also… I agree with the comment that the book is likely more valuable if you’re visiting Oahu versus any other island.

  6. @Kailani – No kidding! Sometimes I get so frustrated that I go to a store or restaurant and I’ve not brought my coupon with me.

  7. I think the Entertainment book is great. I love getting them as gifts and its filled with tons of great savings. Another good resource for discounts to Hawaii attractions, restaurants, etc. are the visitor publications you find at the airport or on the street. This Week and Spotlight to name a couple.

  8. Aloha golfnutn8 and mahalo for your first time comment! That’s a really good idea to give the entertainment books as a present! That would be a really good gift to give to honeymooners headed to Hawaii.

  9. Getting the Entertainment Book for any travel destination that has one available is at least worth looking into. It can depend on what you want to do while you’re there, but most of us humans have to eat, so you can at least get some good 25% off or buy one get one deals and save a little money for a massage at the spa or a few more drinks on the beach 🙂

    Thanks for the great blog – I’ve never been to Hawaii, but my wife and I hope to within the next year, so this will all be good info!

  10. Hi Iain Hamp – good points! We humans do tend to like food, even on vacation. 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by at Go Visit Hawaii and for your first time comment. I do hope you and your wife get to go to Hawaii. When I see great deals I post about them, so maybe you’ll find a deal that will get you to Hawaii sooner rather than later. 🙂

  11. Some additional info:

    Once you get the book, you can also print more coupons as a member. There is

    Some you can print once a month. Many of these are for restaurants.

    Some you can print once a year.

    Just like the coupons in the free trial, the printed coupons must be used within 14 days of printing.

    There is a printable coupon for Polynesian Cultural Center for $43. The one in the book is for $40. So if you have a party of 4 adults you can get two discounts now instead of just one.

  12. Hi.I’m coming from Canada and do not want to pay for shipping for a book. Can I find a Entertainment book locally for 1/2 price. I think the website said $15 US

  13. Helena,

    I am not aware of any sites in Canada where you can purchase the Entertainment Books. From their website, here’s what they say:
    1. Where can I buy the Entertainment® book?

    You can purchase an Entertainment book online at Entertainment.com, through a local community fundraiser, or by calling 1-888-231-SAVE. *Note: Some promotions may be valid through Internet purchase only.

    Also, please note that this particular post was based on a sale in 2008. See this link which has a snippet with the current 2009 update and note the secret method where you can print coupons for 99 cents each. You could avoid shipping altogether that way, but note that the coupons are only valid with in 2 weeks of printing.


  14. I was in Hawaii for 11 days last Sept and heard of this book too late (to ship it on time). I am planning to take my Mom again for her birthday but in late Nov I think. So I plan to purchase one this time. Thanks to everyone for their input! Love this site. I looked at tons b4 my last trip but didn’t come across this one and wow it sure has tons of helpful info.

  15. We’re leaving for Oahu on Friday. Is there someplace in Oahu that we can purchase the book? We don’t have time to wait for it to ship.

    1. PJ – try calling a Borders store before you go and see if they have them in stock. Here’s the number to one in Waikiki: 808.922.4154

  16. Are there many coupons for Maui? It looks like the bulk of the coupons are for Honolulu. Thanks!! I’m going next month but just to Maui.

    1. Todd – the Entertainment Book wouldn’t offer you an benefit for Maui. I’ll put together a post with links and ideas for Maui coupons. So, make sure you are subscribed to get the post. 🙂

      1. could you please foward the same info for maui to me as I plan on visiting Maui in Feb…Thank you

  17. Hi. My boyfriend and I are heading to Oahu for 3 days and Maui for 7. Does anyone know what the coupons are for in Maui? The book’s website only lets you search for deals near Honolulu, even if you type in “Maui, HI” under “change location”.


    1. For Maui – there’s a few restaurant coupons, kayak rentals and a luau coupon, to name a few.

      The Entertainment Book let’s you check by zip code so check out these Maui zip codes:
      Kihei – 96753
      Lahaina – 96761 and 96767
      Makawao – 96768
      Wailuku – 96793
      Kahului – 96732 and 96733

      1. Thanks Shelia. I wish that worked but I still get the same results- results near Honolulu. I’ll probably just stick with the This Week Maui books.


  18. Hey everyone,

    There is a way to get the entertainment coupons for any of their books without buying the nbook. Follow these instructions:

    Go to the following link:


    This is the link to the free trial of the online version of the entertainment book. Ignore where the coupon is for when the page loads, create an account with a made up email, log in on the next page, put in the zip code or name of the place you want to search, then you have 14 days free trial to print off as many coupons as you like (most are one time use only). If you lose email or password details, just sign up again, making sure you have cleared your cookies first, so it doesn’t remember your previous information. Likewise, if you want to print off more than one coupon, just sign in with another unique email address.

    Then print and have fun!

  19. Hi all,
    does that mean that online membership for USD 5 per month gives you access to all the coupons in the entertainment book?

    I live in Holland and we are going to Hawaii for the first time end of Feb.2011. We are planning to go to Oahu, Maui en Kauai. So I was not sure whether to order the book now or just sign up for online membership?
    BTW great website with relevant information. I’ve printed off all the guides, thanks for posting them online Lisa.


    1. Goldi – there’s no way to tell if it includes all the same coupons in the book for certain. But, with this statement on this link to online memberships (which provides a few more details about the program):
      Entertainment® Online is like having all 155 Entertainment® book editions online! Many of your favorite Entertainment book coupons are available for you to print – all in one site!

      I’d imagine it would be very, very close to the same number of coupons.

      It’s probably a very economical solution for you in order to avoid shipping costs to Holland.

  20. We were in Oahu last month and definitely got our money’s worth by taking the Entertainment book. We stayed on Waikiki beach and did not have a car, so we browsed through the Entertainment book before we left and found places that looked interesting. I then put the address in google maps and printed a handy page that gave us walking directions. Worked out great!

    We used a few coupons on Maui and Kauai, but the bulk of them are for Oahu (although it looked like there were a fair amount for the Big Island). There is a really good coupon for the Polynesian Cultural Center (By One Get One, I think), but we never made it there.

    1. Thanks for the report Karl!

      I’m glad you got good value out of your coupon book. It’s good to know that you even got use out of it on Maui and Kauai, too. Now that you’ve saved all that money, you can put that savings towards your next trip to Hawaii. 😉

  21. Hi I am an Australian and am going to Maui in June and would like to purchase an Entertainment book for Maui. Does anyone know if I can buy on line and have it delivered to my hotel in Maui
    Cheers Annette

    1. G’day Annette 🙂

      You’d probably be better off getting an online membership and doing your research and printing your coupons shortly before your trip. A one month membership is only $4.95.

      Finding the online membership is kind of tricky, though. They don’t make it real apparent. Go to this link:
      Choose the Hawaii option
      When the Hawaii Book opens, look at the small link at the top left that says “Buy the online membership”

      Hope that helps.

  22. Hi! First thank you for this awesome website! We are going to Hawaii for the first time in april
    And have lots and lots of questions.
    I see these comments are from a while ago so I wondered if this book still available? Does it still have the PPC discounts? Or is the Mobil app better to get? Do you have to print these or will they take if from your phone.

  23. Hello,

    We are going to Oahu this April. We will be there for a week. Do you suggest that I order the book or do the online membership?


    1. Deneshia – either way works. Personally, I like to have the printed book in my hand so I can sift through and highlight what coupons I want to use. It’s a pretty thick book.

  24. Hi everyone! We are going to be there in Sept. and I was wondering if someone could tell me if the coupon for the Paradise Cove (25% off) can be used for the deluxe package as well as the others. Also, the Alii Kai Dinner Cruise, is this a 2 for 1 coupon?
    Thanks , and have a great day!!!

    1. Hi Cheryl — With hundreds of coupons, it’s impossible to know all the ends and outs of each one. I recommend that you contact Paradise Cove and Alii Kai directly to ask about the coupons. They would have the most up to date information.

    1. Linda — I would guess that you could, but I’m not sure where they’re sold. The new 2014 books should come out the end of 2013.

  25. Hi Sheila,

    If we have a digital version, can we use one coupon more than once at the same place?


    1. I would tend to think that multiple uses wouldn’t be allowed within such a short period of time, but I don’t know for sure. I believe the printed coupons can be reused but only one repeat per month. Check this page or contact the folks at Entertainment for more information.

  26. We are visiting from Australia 2015. Do we need to book tours before we leave to make sure we see what we want, or will it be fine to wait until we get there. The coupons sound great – but I don’t know if we could use them if we pre-book from here. Appreciate any help.

    1. If you are visiting over a holiday or from late June – mid August, you should book your tours before your arrival to make sure you secure the tours you want to experience. Otherwise, you can book when you get to the island. That being said, if you book ahead, you won’t have to spend your precious time in Hawaii making phone calls, checking availability, etc.

  27. For tours and attractions, almost all Entertainment Book coupons say that you have to make reservations in advance by phone, & tell them you are using an Entertainment Book coupon.

    PCC has added the option of making reservations online and use EB coupons. I have not been to PCC for a few years, so not sure exactly how to make the reservations.


    Seems to me that you just make the online reservations the same as before, and present the EB coupon when you get there.

    Used to be that you had to make reservations by phone to be able to use the coupon for PCC.

  28. Trying to figure out the best price for things on the islands is very confusing, especially on the East coast. I get the best leads from the govisithawaii.com blog. Using a local “Entertainment 2015” book is clever and accessible! Turns out it’s the best place to find Hawaii vacation coupons for attractions, food and fun!

  29. Planning an Oahu vacation. The coupon book shows a digital option that’s $.99 for the first month and $1.99 every month afterwards. There’s also a digital option that’s $19.99 per year. Are the digital coupons the same as the printed coupons? Are there any limitations with the digital coupons like some listed Oahu restaurants won’t accent them?

    1. We don’t work for the Entertainment Book, so we can’t answer your questions for certain. I believe they have a fairly thorough Help section that answers frequently asked questions. I believe the coupons are the same digital versus book. I think that there is a limitation that when you print your own coupons from the digital version, they must be redeemed within 14 days. Again, I’m not certain of the differences between the digital and book version. If you decide to check it out and it’s not what you hoped, you’re only out $.99 as you can cancel the recurring monthly membership fee within 30 days.

  30. We live in Australia and want to buy the book (preferably before we go in September). Can it be shipped to Australia or do we have to wait until we arrive. Thanks

    1. We don’t work for this company (we’re an independent operation) so, we’re not sure if they ship to Australia. I would imagine that shipping isn’t free and may be costly due to the thickness and weight of this coupon book.

      One option that may be beneficial to you is that they do have a digital option that you can access online or via their app. At last check, the cost was $0.99 for the first month and $1.99 for each month afterwards. I think they also have a one year membership… last time I checked pricing was $9.99, but I think it auto-renews the following year. You can cancel at any time, I believe. To save money, you may want to wait to purchase the digital membership until closer to the time of your trip.

  31. We’re going for first time in Oct. Just went to Entertainment Book website and they only offer 2019 books now. Do you have any info as to whether 25% off luau coupons are included in new book and if these books are valid now in 2018? The website indicates 2018 books are no longer available.

    1. We don’t have a copy of the 2019 book yet.

      You can still access all the 2018 coupons with a digital membership that you can either print coupons (make sure you print them 14 or less days before you intend to use them) or access the coupons on your mobile phone.

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