27 Great Excuses to Go Visit Hawaii


If you’d like to go to Hawaii on vacation, but you’re searching for the right excuse and opportunity to go, you’re in luck.  Pick any one of these plausible or quirky excuses and start booking!

1.  Hawaii is great for your health. I mean, you’re health is very important, isn’t it?

2.  The last massage you had was in a chair at the Brookstone in the mall.

3.  Three words: active lava flow!  Of course, you must make it sound more intellectual by saying you’d like to increase your knowledge of geology by studying the active volcanoes.

4.  You’d like to learn more about marine biology by snorkeling and diving in Hawaii’s clear waters and abundant coral reefs.

5.  You’d like to watch the sunrise and sunsets over the Pacific Ocean or on top of volcanic craters rather than over the new Taco Bell on Main Street.

6.  You want to find out if geckos really talk and if they have English accents.

7.  Have you seen the hotel deals?  Oh my, they are the best I’ve seen in a long, long time!

8.  You want to stargaze at one of the top spots on earth.

9.  You’d like to ski in the morning and sunbathe in the afternoon.  You can do both on the Big Island.

10. You need to rev up the romance with your sweetie. (See my list of most romantic things to do in Hawaii.)

11. You’d like to get married on a beautiful beach, go on a tropical honeymoon, or renew your vows or celebrate a significant event.

12. You’d like to learn about Polynesian culture. Um, we’ll say this excuse is you’ve developed an interest in sociology.

13. You need to earn some frequent flier miles.

14. You’re scared of snakes.  (Hawaii doesn’t have snakes.)

15. You love rainbows.

16. You’d love a cup of fresh roasted Kona coffee.

17. You want to make your friends jealous by sporting a nice tan.

18. Getting highlights at the hair salon is very expensive, so go to Hawaii and get them for free.

19. The weather is starting to get cold and you need a warm up.

20. Your local bar just doesn’t mix a good Mai Tai.

21. You’ve been reading Go Visit Hawaii for a while and now you just need to go see for yourself why Hawaii’s a great vacation destination.

22. You need a little Aloha in your life.

23. You love to hike to see rewarding views.

24. You want to see what kind of splash a 35-ton humpback whale makes when it leaps out of the water.

25. You’d like to pretend you’re a world class golfer and play on some of the top tournament courses.

26. You’re a budding meteorologist and you’d like to study the many micro climates on each island.

27. And, last but not least, you need a vacation!


So, which excuse will you use?

  1. @ Justine – Have a wonderful time in Hawaii. Please, please, please do tell me your new excuses to go to Hawaii when you get back!

    @ Debo Hobo – hehe…those are good ones!

    @ Dave – that’s the truth!

    @ Jamie Lin – Let’s petition Hawaii to move. 😉 I live on the East Coast, so I’d love it if Hawaii were closer!

  2. All fantastic reasons to visit Hawaii! My 28th reason would be to watch the big wave surfers do their thing on the north shore during winter surf season. Watching these guys/girls surf 20-30 foot monsters is unreal…and to sit on the beach and have the Earth shake under you is unreal.

  3. Hi Nathan – I’ve never been on Oahu when the big waves are there. I’d love to see them sometime. I’m sure my mouth would drop wide open just watching them!

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