As you may have noticed on the previous post about 2009 Hawaii airfares, Andy and I are headed back to the Aloha State. We’re planning a week on Oahu in early February. We booked the tickets over the weekend and we’re pretty giddy right now.
While we’re there, can we check anything out for you? Let me know and we’ll try our best. Either leave a comment on this post or use the contact form at the bottom of this About Go Visit Hawaii page where you can send me a private message.
I will definitely be checking out another of those tasty Mai Tais!
Hawaii, here we come!
Some of those deals just keep looking better and better. Feeling that we probably overpaid by booking too early, but that’s just speculation. Honestly, I’m too afraid to look.
You kids enjoy yourselves.
Wow! – That’s great!
BTW – My sister just visited and she was quoting from your blog quite a bit. She especially liked your packing tips and articles about activities like hiking Diamond Head, etc.
A lot of this blog seems to be focused on what I consider to be “Problem Solving”.
Visiting Hawaii presents it’s own set of unique challenges that need to be considered.
You do a great job of helping people make the best of what might be a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Just keep up the great work!
@ Andy – yippee!
@ Kris – Yeah, it’s best not to look, but that being said, if you booked in the last few months, there’s a good chance your fares would be about the same. So, don’t stress it.
BTW, if you booked airfare and hotel separately, then if the fares go down, you can request a refund for the difference.
@ Dave – Oh my goodness…She was quoting from GVH? I’m incredibly flattered? Did she enjoy her visit?
A lot of what I write here is about a problem or question that I had and what answer or solution I found. You’re right, visiting Hawaii does have some unique challenges and sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. So, I try to help people be as “equipped” as they can possibly be when they visit Hawaii.
I hope to see you on Oahu!
Hey Sheila again!
You’ll have a post a list of restaurants that you want to try to hit this time around. I’ve been wanting to try Eggs-n-Things, Ola, Hau Tree Lanai and Michel’s- but it doesn’t look like we’ll have time. It’s funny because today the New York Post had a gossip item about Sean Penn dining at Ola. Have you tried Hank’s Haute Dogs as well! I love that place!
Take a pic of your breakfast at Cinnamon’s over in Kailua. Best breakfast / brunch, ever. No argument is possible. Crappy website, awesome food.
My ideal day would start off like:
-up at 5, out on the surfboard at first light. (north shore)
-surf until exhausted, starving or both.
-drive all the way downisland, passing several other breakfast joints on the way.
-eat at cinnamons, until re-animated.
@ Nathalie – oh, good idea. Just so you know, Eggs n’Things is still closed for renovations. They were supposed to reopen this past November, but I just checked their website and it looks like that’s been pushed out to sometime in February. I love the kulua pork nachos at Ola. My mouth just started watering thinking about them. I have not tried Hank’s Haute Dogs.
Now about Sean Penn, I wonder if Turtle Bay is his favorite place? (Ola is at Turtle Bay.) When I stayed there in 2007, I got a massage at the spa there. I asked the massage therapist if they have many celebrities staying there because of the beachfront cottages. She told me that Sean Penn had just been there and he seemed to want to stand around in public places for attention. I had to snicker at that.
@ James – thanks for the Cinnamon link. I saw “Guava Chiffon Pancakes” on the menu…oh my! Sounds very ONO!
Sheila, if you don’t mind, you could pick up a few of those coconut macaroons they put on your pillow at Turtle Bay and drop them off at my place on the West Coast. I would not want to risk mailing them, lest they crumble:-) We were waiting for our macaroon each night like addicts! One way to get people to return, ply them with sugar…of course the Mai Tais don’t hurt either!
@ Janice – Oh yeah, I remember those macaroons and yes, they were delicious. We’ve not decided where we’re going to stay yet, but now that you’ve reminded of those macaroons, I’ll have to put the Turtle Bay on the list. I am easily manipulated by sugar and Mai Tais.
Sheila- ha! that’s too funny about Sean Penn!
nice shot of that Mai Tais (is it Mai Tai?)
Yahaoo Ohau for you! – Any chance you can visit Maui too? Kris and Cindy will be here … we can do a blog meet-up
Hi Liza – I don’t think we’ll be going to Maui on this trip, but we really want to get out there soon. Fingers crossed – we’re hoping that will be this year. It would be great to get to meet you…and Kris, too.