Signs of Hawaii: Honolulu Zoo


Kris from kindly provided this photo from the Honolulu Zoo for our Signs of Hawaii series. The distances listed are a startling reminder of how remote Hawaii is. It looks like the San Francisco Zoo is the nearest to Honolulu at 2,391 miles. That’s not swimmable, is it? πŸ˜‰

Mahalo, Kris, for the use of your photo!

  1. It’s hard to read in this photo, but if you look below the “Honolulu Zoo” heading at the top of the sign, it says:

    “This is the best Zoo to be found for 2000 miles in any direction.”

    Always good to see truth in advertising. πŸ™‚

  2. Andy helped me just realize that the East coast of the US is actually closer to Hawaii then China and the Philippines, if only by 100 miles? Why did I have the impression that those countries in Asia were much closer to Hawaii than we are?

  3. The distance to other locations makes the Honolulu zoo all that much more impressive! They really do have a nice variety of animals. Our family has an annual membership and we always enjoy our visits to the zoo.

  4. I’m not sure how San Francisco Zoo is less miles than San Diego? ? In any event though, thanks for this page, it’s helpful in planning our first trip to Hawaii!

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