Hawaii In Contrasts: Sunny vs. Stormy Day

These photos show the contrasts of a calm sunny day with a stormy rainy day from Sugar Beach Resort in Kihei on Maui. The photos show the same view, but on different days.

Condo View 

Condo View Storm

Mahalo to Go Visit Hawaii reader, David from MauiOnlineGuide.com, for sharing these photos for our Hawaii in contrasts series.

  1. Your contrast series is really cool…\m/ I especially love the contrasts of red and green hawaii sand beaches… 🙂 You’ll certainly be seeing more of me here…

  2. How an otherwise calm and serene looking place can turn violent is seen in both the photographs. The changes one could see is the water is blue when calm but has turn green when violent, this has what amazed me the most.

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