Big, Big, BIG Waves Are Headed to Hawaii

Ehukai Beach Park - Banzai Pipeline

Per HawaiiNewsNow, “A pair of enormous ocean swells are brewing in the North Pacific, bringing anticipation that some of the largest waves in years could be hitting the northern shores of the Hawaiian Islands. Forecasters are predicting that Saturday will bring sets of 25-30 feet with waves up to 40 feet in some locations.” Then on Monday, another swell is on the way with waves in the 30-40 foot range, with some forecasts calling for up to 50 foot faces in some locations.

Don’t forget that the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing Competitions are on . Assuming the conditions are right for the competition today, you should be able to watch it live from your computer. To watch the live competition, when it’s on, click on this link, then navigate to the LIVE tab.  Just remember that Hawaii Time is two to five hours behind the time zones on the US Mainland.

Update: Vans competition is off for today, Saturday. Per the Vans’ Web site, “With big stormy waves closing out at Sunset Beach today, event organizers have decided to wait for tomorrow [Sunday].

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