Planning a Visit to the Maui Volcano of Haleakala

When you visit Maui, I hope you plan to see the island from 10,000 feet above sea level at Haleakala. Many times I’ve heard visitors say that their visit to Haleakala was the highlight of their Maui vacation. So, you can see why I list a visit to Haleakala on the top of my list for what to see and do on your Maui vacation.

Haleakala at sunrise

I’d like to highlight three useful articles that offer good advice for planning your visit to Haleakala.

– Since Haleakala is called the house of the sun, I think it’s appropriate to plan your visit around either sunrise or sunset. Which is better? I tend to lean towards sunrise, but you may prefer sunset. To help you decide, see my article, Haleakala Sunrise versus Sunset.

– You’ll also need advice for getting to and enjoying Haleakala, especially if you are planning a sunrise visit. So, read my tips for visiting Haleakala at sunrise so you’ll be fully prepared for what to expect.

– Since there aren’t any restaurants inside Haleakala National Park, you might be interested in a good restaurant recommendation. We never miss an opportunity to go to Kula Lodge Restaurant for breakfast after visiting Haleakala. It’s conveniently located just a few miles outside the park. See my article on Kula Lodge Restaurant.

Each sunrise is different. So, if you’ve been before, you might still enjoy visiting Haleakala again and again.

Have you been to Haleakala? What was your experience? Would you recommend it to your friends and family? Please comment.

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