Your Take: Why You Love Oahu

Oahu from the East Side
Windward Oahu is a peaceful contrast to lively Waikiki.

A few weeks ago, I asked the Go Visit Hawaii facebook community why they like Oahu.  As I read each comment, I must have been nodding my head in agreement.  I also felt the urge to book a ticket to Oahu ASAP. That’s just a warning for you before you start reading them. 😉

From your thoughts on Oahu,  I think we can all agree that there’s bunches to love about Oahu. Bunches! The community’s responses were too good not to share, so here’s a sampling:

Clarice says, “My memories of Oahu span 35 years beginning with a second honeymoon on a “zero” budget. We stayed in a wonderful inn blocks from the beach for $7 a day and lived on Guava juice and plate lunches. On later trips we stayed at more upscale hotels, including Hilton Hawaiian Village but it was always the magic of the beach, the joy and hospitality of the people and diversity of the island–from surfing on the North Shore to the cultural center and rides over the Pali –that kept us coming back. Quite simply, there is no place on earth that feels as rich with happiness and spiritual awe as Oahu.”

Folks who haven’t experienced Oahu yet, already love it. Steve shared this:  “I love Oahu because it’s always been my and my wife’s dream to go. We always look at the travel books and online and imagine how great it is. Now we are planning to go next year for our 30th anniversary so we can experience it finally for ourselves.”

Jennifer is also planning her Oahu visit next year. She says, “I can’t wait to visit Oahu next April –I’m already in love with the island —it’s blend of historical and modern, glorious beaches and pali, and warmth of spirit and sky—-April can’t come soon enough”

Even our taste buds love Oahu. Janet  tells us. “I love Oahu because of the North Shore waves in winter and Teds Bakery!”

Waikiki Lights Up for the Evening
Waikiki lights up with romance after the sunset.

Tom also reminds us of the tasty Oahu treats and more. “Great place to visit all around! Wonderful beaches, great restaurants, shrimp @ Giovannis on the North Shore, Haleiwa Shave Ice and good shopping too!”

Aloha Kilikina explains that she lives in two states simultaneously. “My heart lives on Oahumy body just resides in Pennsylvania. I believe that Oahu is the most understated of the Hawaiian Islands. So many people will “skip” over this beautiful island when visiting. They say “Oh, it’s like a city, it’s too crowded!” And I tell them; to compare the whole island of Oahu to Waikiki and/or Honolulu is like comparing the entire state of New York to just the City. It’s not fair to do so. Oahu has it all. It has the nightlife, the shopping and people-watching of a busy beach resort area… but a quick drive to the windward coast will offer you vistas to take your breath away. Oahu offers some of the best swimmable beaches the islands have to offer. I’ve been going to Oahu for about 20 years now… and I still haven’t seen or done it all. Oahu is home to me.

Teresa reminds us that life is short and that Oahu will make you fall in love. “From the time i was a child i always wanted to go to OAHU. As our 20th anniv. approached they thought i had breast cancer. After 3 months they determined it was not. So , I emptied my change bottle and booked a 8 day 7 night trip to OAHU, best trip ever taken. Fell in love twice on that trip , first fell in love with my husband all over again , then the Beautiful Paradise Island of OAHU. It felt like we had arrived home at last there!!!!!” By the way, Teresa was the randomly selected winner of the framed print giveaway.

Susie describes how Oahu suits so many. “Oahu has action, it has tranquility, it has whatever you want in a lush tropical setting. There is a feeling there hard to describe, but understood by everyone that goes there. I cried when I left after my first trip there.” I bet Susie isn’t the only person who has cried when leaving Oahu.

Manoa Falls
A hike to Manoa Falls is a fun Oahu adventure.

I think Nicole succinctly summed up Oahu with her comment. “ANYONE can find something for them on Oahu. It has everything: beaches, a big city, the country, gorgeous scenery and did I mention the beaches.”

I hope you enjoyed reading these thoughts on why Oahu is so lovable. If you didn’t have a chance to share your love of Oahu earlier, please comment. The more the merrier.

  1. Aloha Sheila…I’m obviously biased because I live on Oahu, but I agree with all of your readers comments. Growing up on the Big Island and loving every minute of it, I find Oahu to be more “my speed” at the moment because it offers a cosmopolitain city side, while just one hour north you can find a charming country side. It’s really the best of both worlds on one island…and because I love to eat, the restaurants here are fantastic as well. Looking forward to your visit in October.

    1. Thanks for your comment and resident perspective, Nathan. We share a common bond of loving the onolicious Oahu restaurant noms. 🙂 I’m pretty sure I’ve never left Oahu with a calorie deficit, no matter how many hikes I do. 🙂

      Hope we’ll get a chance to see you in October. We just booked the tickets this morning. We’ll be arriving on the 3rd and departing on the 8th — just 5 nights this time. Can’t wait!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Terrah. Thanks for the feedback. I truly enjoyed reading each person’s comment on why they love Oahu.

      You’re definitely right about all the excellent free activities there are for locals and tourists. I particularly love all opportunities to listen to top-notch live music and see hula dancing — for FREE! Can’t beat it!

  2. Where do I begin?!? 🙂 It’s a hard thing to try to put a finger on! There are so many things about O’ahu that endear it to so many.

    As a life-long resident I can honestly say that, no matter how irritated or angry I get about things, I wouldn’t trade my warm and loving little island for all the World! 🙂

    (I’m not biased or anything. Nathan isn’t either.) 😉

    1. Evelyn – It’s great hearing that a lifelong resident realizes that it’s a blessing to live on Oahu. There’s much to love on your beautiful island!

    2. Oh, Evelyn, I forgot to say that

      1) I think I’ll make this post my entry on the Carnival of Aloha this month.

      2) We’re coming to Oahu in October. Just booked our tickets this morning….as I mentioned above to Nathan. Hope we get a chance to see you then!

  3. AWWW !! We have just got back to Italy after our wonderful vacation in Hawai’i !!
    I could say I LOVE all the four major islands – but surely Oahu has a very special place in my heart !
    Why I love Oahu ? Because when we land there we know that our “magic time” has just started !! Coming all the way from Europe , we usually arrive to the airport in the evening : while our “town car” gently drives us towards our hotel on Waikiki beach I can smell “the flavor” of happy times to come !
    We have been probably lucky on our last trips (all five of them) … but we ALWAYS had a WARM welcome either at the hotel or even on the street or beach – during our first walk our first evening of vacation !
    The lights of Honolulu wish us ALOHA when the plane approaches town – and even the smile of the bellman says WELCOME !
    We use to fall asleep very easily that night… dreaming of our next days “in Paradise” and of our planned drive to Hale’iwa … YUM , those garlic shrimps !!!

    GLAD you are visiting Oahu in October !!!!

    1. Aloha Laura & Marco – I’m so glad you enjoyed your recent vacation in Hawaii. I hope to hear more about it!

      Thanks for sharing why you love Oahu.

  4. Your article spells out exactly why, when I go to Hawaii, it will be Oahu. I love the diversity of options there. That is a gorgeous photo of Oahu at night, btw.

  5. I enjoyed this post about Oahu! I fall under the category of those who haven’t been but already love the island:) We are going in 2 years for our 10 year anniversary and I have begun researching for our trip.

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