As you’re making your Kauai vacation plans, make sure you get up to the North Shore to see Hanalei Bay. This bay is not only one of the most beautiful points in Kauai, but also in Hawaii as a whole.
Here, I love the rugged green cliffs framing in the many shades of ocean blue and white sand beaches surrounding the bay. Sure, Kauai has loads of beautiful beaches, but Hanalei offers a bit more for your eye to enjoy.

As a former engineer, I often struggle to write well enough to adequately describe Hawaii’s most scenic places. (We engineers are notorious for being bad writers. 🙂 ) So, I’ll let some of our photos do the rest of the talking for me.

To visit Hanalei, we recommend at least a walk out the pier. There’s public parking located at the northern end of Weke Road. Use this link to Google Maps to get directions to the pier.
Have you been to Kauai’s Hanalei Bay?
I think you write very well Sheila, I know I enjoy it! :>) I think Hawaii is the reason for the saying ” a picture is worth a thousand words” because no matter how well you write, it is too difficult to try to adequately express the wonder and beauty that is Hawaii!
Thanks so much Janet!
Totally agree that Hawaii is often beyond words. Thankfully Andy keeps upping his photography skills and cameras. With his photos, I can let the pictures do some of the talking for me. 🙂
We’ve been there twice and the next time we’re on Kauai we definitively will return because it’s so a beautiful and calm landscape 🙂
Here are some pictures of Hanalei Bay on Flickr