Pubcon Hawaii Lands in Waikiki February 13-15

Aloha y’all, Andy here. 🙂

Just a heads up for all of our Hawaii friends–which judging by the traffic to Go Visit Hawaii, there are thousands of you–Sheila and I will be back in Waikiki this coming February.

In addition to our normal efforts to bring you the best, unbiased Hawaii travel advice, we’ve both been invited to speak at the upcoming Pubcon Paradise conference.

If you’re involved in marketing, PR, or any part of Hawaii’s hospitality industry, you should definitely plan to attend! I’ve been involved with Pubcon for many, many years and can tell you that the content is some of the highest in the industry and you won’t be disappointed!


Even if you don’t plan to attend, Sheila and I will be out and about in Waikiki and Honolulu, so if you’ll be around, drop us a comment.

Pubcon Hawaii will be a blast, so hope to see you there!

Register here.

PS. For those making the trip from the mainland, don’t miss Go Visit Hawaii’s guide to all things Oahu!

  1. This is almost too good to be true! It’s going to be great to see everyone again.

    One of the best parts of PubCon is meeting and spending time with the other people who attend the event. Sometimes I learn as much from the other attendees as the speakers. I’ve made so many good friends at these events. For me – Going to PubCon is almost like going to a family reunion. But in Hawaii! – Woo Hoo!

    I really hope this is a success. It would be GREAT if PubCon has an event like this in Honolulu every year.

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