Signs You’re Overworked, Stressed Out And In Desperate Need Of A Hawaii Vacation

It’s no surprise more and more people are overworked. But the sad part is: most people don’t even know it.

While it might be obvious that your friends, family and co-workers are overworked, it’s time you looked in the mirror.

BLue SKies
Photo credit: ChrisHaysPhotography

Seven Signs You’re Overworked

Sign 1: You Don’t Spend Enough Time With Family and Friends

Can’t remember the last time you had dinner or played a game with your family? When was the last time you hung out with your buddies? Do you ignore phone calls because you don’t want to talk or see anyone?

Not spending enough time with your family and friends can be devastating to long-term relationships. If you find yourself avoiding the closest people in your life, it’s time to slow down.

Sign 2: You Work More Hours With Less Productivity

Do you find yourself working longer and harder, but only getting half as much done? Do you work after hours and on weekends? Are you pushing back large projects because it’s overwhelming?

Working long hours can have negative impacts to your overall productivity and in the long run be a waist of time. Reducing your work hours and working in short stints for a specific period of time, can help you focus and get more accomplished, rather than just spinning your wheels.

Sign 3: You Drink Copious Amounts of Caffeine

Do you drink several cups of coffee throughout the day? Do you have a 24 pack of soda or Red Bull in your cubicle?

If you rely on caffeinated drinks to get you through the day, your body is showing signs of physical exhaustion and (you guessed it) you need a break.

Sign 4: You Don’t Have Motivation

Have you stopped exercising? Do you go home and plop on the couch and watch TV? Are you frequently eating fast food for convenience and comfort? Are you physically exhausted?

If you’re capable of working don’t want to or have the motivation then you could be overworked and need a vacation.

Sign 5: You Are Seeing Signs Of Poor Health

Are you having difficulty sleeping? Can’t shake that cold as quickly as you used to? Do you get head or back aches?

While you might be ignoring mental symptoms of exhaustion, physical symptoms can be a slap in the face. Intense headaches and body aches are just a few signs your body needs rest.

If you can’t sleep, you’re mind is not relaxed – a clear sign you’re stressed out.

Sign 6: You Are Irritable And Impatient

Can’t stand waiting in line at the bank? Do you get road rage when there’s traffic? Are you irrirated by clients you usually enjoy?

If you are showing signs of irritability and impatience, then it’s time for a vacation.

Sign 7: You Are Forgetful And Can’t Focus

Can’t remember loved-ones birthdays? Forgot what you were going to say? Did you forget run important errands? Don’t know what day it is?

If you can’t recall important events and tasks, then you’re overworked. Your brain is functioning at max-capacity, so you’re forgetting basic things which negatively impact relationships and productivity.

Why Hawaii?

Hawaii is an ideal location to take a break, rejuvenate and simply unplug for awhile.


Scientists believe the crashing ocean water gives off negative ions that purify the air. These negative ions can improve circulation, overall mood, and well, make you feel really good.

Listening to and watching the waves roll in and out, in a rhythmic pattern, is excellent for calming the mind and reducing stress. It’s almost like meditating.


Contrary to popular believe, not all Hawaii residents eat Spam. Hawaii is in fact know for their world class fish, and Tuna is no exception. Tuna is loaded with B6 and B12 vitamins which help reduce stress. So skip the Spam and load up on tuna!


Hawaii is the perfect place to get outdoors and explore the islands natural beauty. By sightseeing, getting exercise, and soaking up the sun’s stress-reducing vitamin D, you’ll feel a thousand times better.

Lomi Lomi (aka Massage)

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to get a massage. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of those in Hawaii. By using the palms, forearms, fingers, knuckles, elbows, knees, feet – and sometimes sticks and stones – the Hawaiian massage of Lomi Lomi can help remove toxins build up in your muscles and your overall stress levels.

Let’s face it, it’s time for that Hawaii vacation. Turn off your computer, and turn your screen saver into a reality!


This guest post was written by Adam Costa. Adam is the co-founder of (a fun new travel site) and (an info site for travel bloggers). Follow him on Twitter.

  1. You forgot the #1 reason, the people of Hawaii, you can’t be stressed surrounded by all the love and welcoming spirit the people show ! Truly the best part of the Aloha state !

  2. Suzanne, you’re absolutely right! It’s nearly impossible to be stressed while visiting or living in Hawaii. Thank you Hawaii for having that special effect. Hope you enjoyed the post!

  3. Adam, I am all of the 7 above and even worse I can’t afford to fly to Hawaii fom the UK! Working 24/7 to launch a new business in a recession has to be the biggest challenge I’ve faced, but determination, perserverance and yes, some of the advice you have given must be followed, I’m sure in not too long I shall be enjoying more than 1 holiday to Hawaii! Many thanks for the reminder and great advice!

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