Hawaii News: Lahaina Banyan Tree Showing Signs of Life + Volcano Eruption Stops

In this brief news round up we have some good news and some not-so-good news, depending on how you view it.

Lahaina Banyan Tree Shows Signs of Life

Photo credit to Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources

Lahaina’s 150-year-old banyan tree that was damaged in the August wildfire is showing signs of life with groups of newly sprouted leaves. Arborists are volunteering their time and expertise to save the tree. These experts indicate that the new leaves are positive signs of long-term recovery.

The Kilauea Eruption Goes Back On Pause

The spectacular volcano eruption at Halema’uma’u  that started Sunday, September 10, 2023 has already stopped. According to the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, this eruption stopped on Saturday, September 16th.

The September eruption was the third one of 2023. The first eruption, in early January, lasted into early March. The next one was in early June and was only active for less than two weeks. The September eruption that was active for just under a week.

View of the recent K?lauea eruption from near U?kahuna Bluff.
A photo from the USGS of Halema’uma’u on September 16, 2023. Photo credit to Matt Patrick.

Will there be more eruptions this year? We’ll be watching to see!

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