Aloha Friday Photo: Remembering Lahaina

Mahalo to Lyndsi for sharing this nostalgic Aloha Friday Photo with us. Lyndsi tells us that this photo was taken by the restaurant Cheeseburger in Paradise on Front Street in Lahaina.

Sadly, this beloved restaurant was one of many Lahaina buildings and homes lost in last year’s devastating fire. As we approach the one-year anniversary of this tragedy on August 8th, our hearts remain with those affected. Many residents are still displaced, and recovery has been a slow and challenging process. 

Cheeseburger in Paradise is planning to re-open this autumn in a new location in South Maui, symbolizing resilience and a step toward renewal.

We fondly remember historic Lahaina Town and the special memories it holds for so many of us. We invite you to share your memories of Lahaina and join us in supporting the community as they move forward.

1 comment
  1. I never going to forget that day! August 8th! I’m still the same emotional. I never experience such a strong wind/storm before! Just watched the wires moving like crazy a day before the fire. We were even talking about they can brake easily. We just left Lahaina. We had a nice dinner at Lahaina Pizza Co. – our favourite restaurant. We told to the waiter, we are coming back tomorrow. He said, “unless I’ll be fired”!!!! We were laughing. We stayed at a condo resort 2 km to Lahaina. On the middle of the night our AC stopped working. We realized we don’t have power. We drove to the supermarket to buy some food. It was full with branches and leaves, people bought what they found… we decided to drive to Lahaina, maybe we can buy some food there. The traffic was extreme. The kids started wining to go back to our resort. Thanks God we listened to them. At the last side road we turned back. We saw the broken wires moving on the ground, “dancing” like crazy. We saw a firefighter got electroshock while he tried to fix the wire… and we saw the smoke! …… we saw all the huge trees twisting out from the ground, people tried to escape from the fire……. But we were lucky we could turn back. People who stuck on the road in Lahaina Not everyone could escape.. I am so heartbroken for them! Residents in Lahaina lost their houses, their belongings, their life…. I just can’t escape from these thoughts. Never going to forget. 🙁

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