“Mahalo for removing your slippahs”

As I travel, I’m always fascinated to learn the local cultural norms. Of course, Hawaii has their own, too. One of them is that you should always remove your shoes before entering anyone’s home.

Often times you’ll see a sign by the front door that says, “Mahalo for removing your slippahs” which means to remove your shoes and leave them at the door. By the way, slippahs is local slang for thong sandals or flip flops, which are quite popular in Hawaii.

The practice of removing your shoes prevents you from tracking in sand and dirt that seems to get everywhere. It’s not only polite, it’s really for everyone’s benefit.

When we have stayed in VRBOs, most owners post that sign by the door. If you rent a vacation condo or home, you’ll likely see it, too.

For more cultural norms and points of etiquette, please see our article, Minding your manners in Hawaii.

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