As we prepare for the start of 2025, we want to wish you a Hau’oli Makahiki Hou, which is the Hawaiian way to say Happy New Year!
Hawaii is always a special place, but even more so on New Year’s Eve. You can expect the shimmering colors fireworks over the island skies. See our updated summary of the fireworks shows you can find by island. For your convenience, here’s the list of our New Year’s Eve guides by island:
- Oahu New Year’s Eve (multiple public fireworks shows)
- Maui New Year’s Eve (one fireworks show)
- Lanai New Year’s Eve (fireworks at Four Seasons Lanai)
- Big Island New Year’s Eve (fireworks shows hosted by individual resorts)
- Kauai New Year’s Eve (no public fireworks shows)
One of the biggest updates is that on Hawaii’s Big Island, nature’s fireworks, spectacular lava fountaining, continues. The eruption that started on December 23rd, has had a couple of brief pauses, but overall, this eruption has been outstanding with fountain heights reaching over 200 feet high.

Whether your New Year’s Day finds you in Hawaii or elsewhere, we send our very best wishes for a happy and healthy 2025.