Hiking the first 2 miles of Kauai’s Kalalau Trail on the Napali Coast

One of the most popular hikes in Hawaii is the Kalalau Trail that skirts the cliffs and coastline of the Napali. The Hawaiian name Napali is a combination of two words — na indicates plural and pali means cliffs. Therefore, Napali means many cliffs. (Note that sometimes, you may see the name separated like this — Na Pali.)

The following two photo show the Napali Coast. Notice all the cliffs. These two photos  illustrate the many cliffs of the stunningly beautiful Napali Coast. (Note that we took these first, two photos from a cruise of Hawaii.)

Though it may be difficult to believe, the Kalalau trail actually runs along the side of those cliffs. It’s mind boggling, isn’t it?

The entire length of the Kalalau trail is 11-miles long, one-way. It takes days to hike the entire trail that runs from Ke’e Beach, on the northern end, south to Kalalau Beach. Don’t despair, though. You don’t have to hike 11 miles to enjoy great views from the Kalalau Trail.  A shorter hike of the first 1/2-mile to 2-mile of the trail (one-way) will reward you with nice views!

What are the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail?

The first two miles of the Kalalau Trail run from the trailhead near Ke’e Beach to Hanakapi’ai Beach. Hopefully the following image will help you visualize the area.

What reservations are needed to hike the first part of the Kalalau Trail?

A paid, day-use reservation is required Ha’ena State Park and all points west on Highway 560. Refer to the above map. Notice that as you drive or ride west along Highway 560, you come upon Ha’ena State Park first. A day-use reservation is required to go from Ha’ena State Park onwards.

To access this area, a parking reservation or shuttle reservation is required. The reservations book quickly so make sure you learn the process and booking windows to secure a spot for your Kauai vacation. See this link to learn more about the reservation systems and options. 

Are hiking permits required to hike the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail?

No hiking permits are required if you are only hiking the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail.

As previously mentioned, the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail run between the trailhead near Ke’e Beach and Hanakapi’ai Beach. From Hanakapi’ai Beach, there is a spur trail that leads to Hanakapi’ai Waterfall. It runs along the stream and adds roughly four miles round-trip. No permit is required to hike the trail to Hanakapi’ai Waterfall.

[Note that a hiking/camping permit is required to hike on the Kalalau Trail beyond Hanakapi’ai. See this link for information on a camping permit.]

From the Kalalau Trail

How to get to the the Kalalau trailhead?

The trailhead starts at “the end of the road” and I mean this literally. The trailhead is located at the end of HWY 560. It’s by Ke’e Beach on the north shore of Kauai. Note that a reservation is required to enter the area, Ha’ena State Park.

How difficult is it to hike the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail?

Well, it’s not easiest of trails, that’s for sure. It will be a workout. Take your time and enjoy the scenery.

Along the trail, you’ll have to watch your steps around rocks, roots, mud puddles and slippery patches of mud. As such, we highly recommend hiking poles.

From the trailhead, there’s a steady incline for about 0.25 to about 0.5 miles. The trail mainly plateaus with a few, smaller elevation changes. As you approach Hanakapi’ai Beach, there are several switchback leading down to beach level.

If you hike to Hanakapi’ai Beach, you must cross in/through a stream, which can be tricky. Watch for flash floods and do not cross if the stream is rising or flooded.

The rocks in the stream can be slippery. If you aren’t wearing hiking sandals, it’s best to bring reef shoes or the like to change into. You can cross the stream with your bare feet, too, but it’s not very comfortable. The first time I hiked the Kalalau Trail to Hanakapi’ai, I didn’t have hiking sandals nor did I bring a shoe to change into for the stream crossing. I didn’t want to have to walk the two-mile return in wet hiking shoes, so I crossed this slippery stream barefoot.  It was doable, but a bit tricky.

Do I have to hike all the way to Hanakapi’ai for good views?

No, you do not have to hike the entire first two miles for good views. In fact, just the first half-mile will provide a good views down to Ke’e Beach in the northeast direct and views of the Napali Coast in the southwest direction. Just hike until you’re content and turn around.


How long does it take to hike the Kalalau Trail to Hanakapi’ai?

You should plan on at least three to four hours to hike the first two miles in and then back out.

If you plan to hike to Hanakapi’ai Waterfalls add another three to four hours.

What is Hanakapi’ai Beach like? Can I swim there?

Don’t plan on swimming at the beach. There are strong currents and no lifeguards.

What should I wear to hike the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail to Hanakapi’ai Beach?

Your choice of shoe(s) is very important. The trail can be slippery and muddy if it has rained recently, which it often does in this area. If that Kauai mud gets on anything it is pretty much stained for life. Ideally, wear a hiking-style sandal that allows you to wade through a stream. At a minimum, wear old sneakers with good tread that you don’t mind getting muddy. The first time I hiked the Kalalau Trail, I wore sneakers. They were so muddy and stained that I ended up throwing them away.

Moisture-wicking, quick-drying clothing is recommended to keep you more comfortable in the likely case that the hiking makes you sweat. Plus, you’ll be better prepared should a rain shower pass.

Don’t forget sunscreen, a hat or visor and mosquito repellant.

What should I bring with me for my hike on the first section of the Kalalau Trail?

Bring at least 2 liters of water per person.  We didn’t bring near enough water on our first time and regretted it.

Bring snacks or perhaps a small picnic meal to enjoy at Hanakapi’ai Beach. Ah, here again, we were unprepared our first time. We did not have a very hearty or healthy breakfast the morning of our first hike. By the time we made it to the prized beach, we were starving.  We shared what we happened to have in a pocket — a tiny, 90-calorie Special-K bar. There we were at this remote beach, watching others enjoy their romantic picnics while we carefully shared our Special-K bar. We still laugh at that even today. (See Hawaii Vacation Misadventures of Andy & Sheila: ‘No Picnic for You’ Edition.)

We highly recommend using a hiking pole for the Kalalau Trail. Though we hadn’t brought enough water or eaten a proper breakfast, or brought enough snacks, we did actually had hiking poles. Yay!  We did something right. Our hiking sticks were the envy of everyone on the trail. You don’t need anything expensive, in fact we purchased our collapsible, hiking poles for about $15 from Target years ago. We used one pole each. Amazon has a good deal for two, highly-rated, collapsable poles that could easily be shared.

Bring a camera as you’ll most certainly want to capture the scenery.

A small backpack is helpful to carry your water, snacks, etc. We like using these small, lightweight bags for hikes as well as for sightseeing around Hawaii.

We’ve already mentioned these items, but it’s worth mentioning them again — bring a hat or visor, sunscreen and mosquito repellant.

Video overview of the Kalalau Trail to Hanakapi’ai

Here’s a Kalalau Trail video we took from our second time hiking the trail. This video provides an good overview of the trail, views, and challenges:

Kalalua Safety Brochure & Video

See this link for a informative brochure with a trail map. Additionally, see the following safety video created by Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources.

Kalalau Trail Visitor Safety Video from Hawaii DLNR

More resources

Read the state park’s webpage about the Kalalau Trail.

See more of our photos from the Kalalau Trail.

  1. Wow, what a nice hike! I did it earlier today partially thanks to your writeup and words of encouragement and found it very pleasant and satisfying. Great views of the Na Pali coastline, Ke’e beach, and the beach on the other side is a great place to relax, cool off, wade a bit.

    I’m not sure if this is common, but there was a small enclosed cove made by a higher ridge of sand that people were playing in. It looked like the stream and ocean water were intermingling but rather than crossing the stream over the rocky part, I just hiked to the right along the stream’s path (there are a couple of foot paths etched in against the foliage to make it easier) and then was able to unpack a bit, eat, and leave my shoes on the east side and just wade across the shallow, sand-bottomed channel of water so I could see the full breadth of it and take plenty of photos.

    Definitely pack plenty of water, I took a liter and did ok but could’ve used another half- which surprised me coming from AZ, I usually know better than to run out. 🙂 That half mile heading back from the beach is brutal too, I feel no shame in admitting I took a breather after the brunt of the climb was over so I could cool back down.

    The sisters didn’t come with me and it’s probably for the best, I think they’d have had a hard time with it- but I definitely enjoyed it and thanks again for the info! I’ll have the photos up tonight or tomorrow on my Flickr page and probably one or two on my blog so keep an eye out to see how they turned out. 🙂

    1. My wife and I have hiked the first two miles three times now and are interested in learning what the second two miles to the falls is like. Any advice is greatly appreciated

      1. Bill – we’ve never done that extra part. It seems that I’ve heard that it’s a little bit trickier than the first two miles of the Kalalau Trail. This link is mainly about the first two miles, but some have shared their experience of hiking the additional trail up to the falls.

  2. Adam – Thank you so much for adding your insight! I’m so happy that you enjoyed the hike!

    You are so right – those switch backs coming back from the beach are killers!

    After reading your experience about wanting more water, I’m going to revise the post to read 1.5 liters of water.

    Thanks again for adding your valuable insight and I look forward to seeing the photos!

  3. I did the hike down to Hanakapiai Beach in October and looooved it. This trail is amazingly beautiful but be prepared for not so easy hiking. I’m glad I brought my lightweight hiking boots as the first part of the trail is tough – it’s steep and very muddy in some parts. A hiking stick definitely comes in handy for balancing over some of the rough terrain. Amazingly, I saw people on the trail wearing flip flops and even saw one person barefoot! Once you get down to the bottom of the trail you’re pooped, but then it’s not over! You still have to cross a stream and boulders before you get to the beach. As Adam said, bring lots of water as the climb back up the trail is also steep and will make you very thirsty. Would I do it again…..? Definitely!

  4. Hi Ericka – Thanks for your comment. We saw people in flip flops, too. I’m sure it made the hike that much more difficult. I was glad that I at least wore some old sneakers.

  5. I will be staying at a motel in Lihue Feb 15 and hiking the Kalalau trail Feb 16-18. Is there transportation, other than a taxi or rental car, to get from Lihue to the trailhead and back? I’ve heard that it is not a good idea to leave a car at the trailhead due to vandalism, thus my apprehension about renting a car.

  6. Hi John – there is a bus system on Kauai. Their phone number is 808-241-6410. I’d recommend you call them directly and explain what you’re trying to do. Here is their website:

    We have parked a convertible at that trailhead to hike in the first two miles and back. We didn’t have any trouble. If you do decide to take your car, don’t bring any valuables, but if you do, hide them. Make sure you lock your doors. Most rentals these days have alarm systems, so that helps add peace of mind. Try to make your car look as “untouristy” as possible. Hide guidebooks and maps, etc.

    Enjoy the hike! It’s great!

  7. This is a great hike. The first 2 miles to the beach give you a good idea how much fun the total 11 mile hike must be. If nothing else hike up the rock trail for the first .5 mile to the beach overlook. If you take your time most everyone can make the trip on a dry day. The beach is beautiful. If you have time, about 3.5 hours more, hike up to the falls. Total round trip to the fall and back to Kee is 7 hours.
    Click on my name to visit my webpage for my articles on the hike description, videos, and pictures.

    Note: edited to recover from spam filter.

    1. Any info you could forward to me about the entire 11mile hike is appreciated!

      Where can I get permits? How much water is needed for entire 11 miles and back?


  8. Yes, this hike is beautiful, but not for the unprepared. We are going back next week and plan to hike this right this time. The first time we had no idea what we were in for. We were hungover (it was our honeymoon), dehydrated, didn’t bring food, and not enough water. The trail was very wet and slick and it was pretty hot mid-day. We only made it in about a mile and back and vowed to do it right next time. It was still fun with great view and lots of frogs hopping around. Looking forward to it!

  9. My wife and I did the hike a couple of weeks ago. It was the most scenic and most enjoyable hike that we have ever done. The water level at the creek near Hanakapiai Beach was low and I was able to scamper across on rocks without getting my shoes wet. At one of the points along the way, the winds were so strong that I had to remove my cap for fear of it blowing away.

    There are many places where the trail surface is very rough, rocky and uneven. I cannot imagine doing this in tennis shoes – I would highly reecoomend hiking shoes and a trekking pole.

    1. Glad you two enjoyed this scenic hike.

      I definitely agree that a hiking stick and good hiking shoes make a huge difference on this trail.

    2. sheila, Thanks for the good tips and video. The hiking pole looks like very useful!


      My H and I plan to hike the first two miles in the first week of September and this will be our first time hiking on the trail. What ‘brands’ of the hiking shoes and a trekking pole do you recommend? We probably use the hiking shoes and a trekking pole only once when we do the hiking on this trial. Thanks.


  10. Does anyone know if you’re just hiking the trail if you still need a permit?


  11. Very cool video.. I was kind of worried with all the stories.. but after that video.. feel much better.

  12. Great information. Your video of the Kalalau trail is great. You point out a spot on the trail where it “doesn’t get any easier than this”. Do you have a picture of the spot that is the most “on the edge” of the first two miles? My wife will likely not go anywhere near a “two foot wide trail on a ledge down a cliff”.

    Thank you.

    1. Joel – I just rewatched the video and I think it’s very representative of what you’ll encounter.

      In my opinion, a hiking pole adds lots of help stabilizing you. To me it adds a bit of security, too, for those “skinny” points in the trail.

      1. Hi Sheila,

        Can you clarify just how “on the edge” the path is? One of my kids is afraid of heights and anything too close to the edge might be a show stopper. We learned this lesson in Zion! Great video and advice.

        1. Look at the video — paying close attention to the 50 second to 1 minute mark. That’s the trail on the edge.

  13. Going to Kauai in June 2013 and i would love to do the first 2 miles…Have two children 9 and 11…is this trail ok for them or too dangerous????

    1. I have seen children younger than that on the trail. Make sure they know that they shouldn’t get too close to the cliff edge.

  14. My husband and I are planning our first trip to Kauai and are finding enormously helpful information on your website. THANK YOU! I have a quick question about the mud on the Kalalau trail. I have a new pair of Keen hiking sandals I plan to bring on the trip and am wondering if they will be absolutely ruined on the 2-mile hike. Should I bring an old pair of sneakers instead?

    1. Barbara,

      So glad you’re finding Go Visit Hawaii to be helpful for your Kauai vacation planning. Thanks for letting us know.

      There’s a chance, if you’re lucky, that you might encounter very little mud.

      Last time we hiked this trail, I had on a keen-type shoe, although it wasn’t Keen brand. That day the trail was super muddy. I’m still using those shoes. They weren’t ruined.

      By the restrooms near the trail head, we found an outdoor shower that we used to wash off our legs, feet and shoes as well as possible.

      After you’ve washed your shoes, make sure you let them air dry as soon as possible as they can quickly sour if left in a car — I know this by experience, unfortunately.

      Best of luck in keeping those brand new Keens wearable for many years. 🙂

      1. Thank you so much for the VERY FAST reply! All the detailed information in your reply is so helpful and much appreciated!

  15. My family and I hiked the first two miles of this trail several years ago and found it very doable. Three of us were in our early 60’s at the time. It was muddy and slippery in places and kind of like going through an obstacle course, but, if you’re careful I think just about anyone can do this part of the trail. When we got down to the beach and people were breaking out the food, a lot of cats started appearing. I’m surprised no one mentioned them in the comments since they are very well known for living in that area. Some were very friendly and everyone was willing to share their food with them. It’s the most gorgeous hike I’ve ever been on and well worth the effort to do.

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